Labour Standards Policy


This policy sets out Burgoynes’ commitment to ensuring that it maintains at least the minimum labour standards at all times.


The following minimum labour standards (Minimum Standards) have been devised by reference to Social Accountability International’s SA8000 Standard and the UN Universal Declaration on Human Rights.

a) Child labour

Burgoynes shall not engage or support the use of child labour, where a child is defined as any person under 15 years of age.

Where Burgoynes employs or engages young workers (between the ages of 15 to 18 years), for example on work experience, it shall ensure that the standard working hours are 09:00 hours until 17:00 hours. Further it shall be ensured that combined time for their work and transportation will not exceed 10 hours a day and that their work will not exceed 8 hours a day. Burgoynes shall not engage or employ any young person to work during night hours.

Suitable risk assessments shall be completed to ensure that any young workers are not exposed to any situations that are hazardous or unsafe to their physical and mental health and development.

b) Forced or compulsory labour

Burgoynes shall not engage in, or support the use of, forced or compulsory labour.

Burgoynes shall not:

  • retain any original identification papers,
  • require personnel to pay ‘deposits’ upon commencing employment,
  • withhold any part of any personnel’s salary, benefits, property or documents to force such personnel to continue working for Burgoynes,
  • allow any employment fees or costs to be borne in whole, or in part, by the workers.

Burgoynes supports and accepts the principle that all personnel have the right to leave the workplace premises after completing their standard workday and are free to terminate their employment provided they give reasonable notice.

Burgoynes does not engage in, or support, human trafficking.

c) Health and safety

Burgoynes shall provide safe and healthy office environments and shall take effective steps to prevent potential health and safety incidents and occupational injury or illness arising out of, or associated with, or occurring in, the course of the work.

Burgoynes shall provide:

  • An effective and up-to-date Environmental Health and Safety Policy together with induction and refresher training,
  • personnel with appropriate personal protective equipment at its own cost,
  • training to allow personnel to undertake effective risk assessments relevant to their roles and working environments,
  • qualified first aiders in each office to assist in the event of a workplace accident,
  • free access to clean toilet facilities and potable water within the offices for the use of all personnel’
  • Tools and equipment by which on-site investigations can be conducted in a safe manner.

Burgoynes endorses that all personnel have the right to remove themselves from imminent serious danger without seeking permission.

d) Freedom of association and the right to collective bargaining

Freedom of association is respected and Burgoynes shall comply with local labour relations legislation in this regard, throughout its offices worldwide.

All persons shall have a right to form, join and organise trade unions of their choice and to bargain collectively. Burgoynes shall respect this right and there will be no negative consequences or retaliation.

Burgoynes shall prohibit any discrimination, harassment, or intimidation against any staff engaged in collective bargaining.

e) Discrimination

Burgoynes shall not engage or support discrimination in hiring, remuneration, access to training, promotion, termination or retirement based on race, national or territorial or social origin, caste, religion, disability, gender, sexual orientation, family responsibilities, marital status, union membership, political opinions, age or any other condition that could give rise to discrimination.

Burgoynes shall not allow any behavior that is threatening, abusive, exploitative or sexually coercive, including gestures, language and physical contact, in the workplace.

f) Disciplinary practices

Burgoynes shall treat all personnel with dignity and respect. Burgoynes shall not engage in, or support, the use of corporal punishment, mental or physical coercion or verbal abuse of personnel. No harsh or inhumane treatment is permitted.

g) Working hours

Burgoynes shall comply with applicable laws, collective bargaining agreements (where applicable) and industry standards on working hours, breaks and public holidays. The normal working week, not including overtime, shall be defined by any applicable legislation but shall not exceed 48 hours.

All overtime work is voluntary and will not exceed 12 hours per week, unless there is a short-term business need and all parties agree with the terms.

h) Remuneration

Burgoynes shall ensure that wages for a normal week, not including overtime, shall always meet at least legal or industry minimum standards and are sufficient to meet the basic needs of personnel.

Burgoynes shall not make deductions from wages for disciplinary purposes.

All overtime is reimbursed at a premium rate, as defined by national law.

Burgoynes shall ensure that personnel’s wages and benefits are clearly and separately detailed in writing for each pay period. Personnel will be paid all wages and benefits in a manner convenient to them and not in delayed or restricted forms.

Burgoynes shall not use labour only contracting arrangements, consecutive short-term contracts and / or false apprenticeship.

Reviewed: 21/01/25