Academic and Professional Qualifications:

BSc (Hons)           Sports and Materials Science - University of Birmingham
MSc           Materials Science and Engineering - University of Birmingham
MIMMM           Member of the Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining


Conor graduated from the University of Birmingham in 2017 with an MSc in Materials Science and Engineering. Following the completion of his studies, Conor joined Axiom Engineering Associates as a Materials Engineer, undertaking materials failure investigations and corrosion assessments for many industries, such as chemical, oil and gas, and power industries. The investigations included site inspections, metallographic sample preparation and examinations, laboratory based analytical techniques and mechanical testing, and producing technical reports for clients. Examples of investigations include hydrogen embrittlement of high strength steel bolts, stress corrosion cracking of stainless steel pipework, and fatigue fractures of mining equipment. Failures involved a variety of both metallic and non-metallic materials and were caused due to manufacturing defects, unsuitable design, improper use and degradation/deterioration during operation.

Conor joined Burgoynes as an associate in January 2024 and is based at our Ilkley office. Since joining, Conor has investigated the causes of escapes of water and materials failures in the domestic and commercial settings and provided expert advice/reports to loss adjusters and solicitors.